How the Grill and Backyard is the New Campfire

How the Grill and Backyard is the New Campfire

In Backyard Party Ideas by marketninjas

Campfires have long been a gathering place for socializing and eating.  From the long-ago fires our ancestors relied upon for heat, protection, and nourishment to the summer camp traditions of childhood, the campfire has had an enduring place in our history.

In more contemporary times, campfires may only exist in rural areas or while camping away from home.  With more people living in cities and suburbs, there are fewer opportunities to sit around a campfire.  However, tradition endures with the rise of barbecuing in the backyard, an experience that has quickly become the new campfire.

What do you need for a backyard party?

There are a few staples that should be a part of any backyard party. These include:

  • A barbecue grill

The barbecue is the centerpiece of the event where everyone will gather around and enjoy delicious foods prepared right on the grill.

  • Tables and chairs

It is of utmost importance that you have enough seating for all your guests. If you don’t have a chair for everyone, consider renting or buying some cheap folding chairs.

  • Food and drinks

It goes without saying that there wouldn’t be a party without anything to eat.

  • Fun and games

Although the food is the star, you can only eat so much.  Have some activities to help pass the time between the main meal and dessert.

Some additional fun touches that you could also add might be:

  • Lighting – candles, tiki torches, solar lights, fairy lights
  • Music – get some Bluetooth speakers and put together a party playlist
  • Decorations – potted plants, flowers in a vase, lanterns, flags

How do you have a successful BBQ party?

The key to a successful party is to start planning in advance so you have plenty of time to get everything done without being rushed or stressed.  If you are hosting, there will be some more responsibility but, with enough notice, it doesn’t have to take over your life.

  • Clean everything

Hosting a party is a great excuse to do some spring cleaning around the house.  Have a look outside and see if your deck or patio is ready for guests.  Make sure patio furniture is clean, dry, and did not get damaged while in storage.

If there is any debris left over from the winter, give the area a good sweep or consider power washing it for a deeper clean.  If the deck is looking faded, consider restaining it and repairing any damaged pieces of wood.

Tend to the yard by mowing the lawn, pulling weeds in the flower beds, and putting down grass seed so it has time to grow and fill in any bald patches.  Don’t forget to prune or trim bushes and trees, especially if branches are hanging over your patio area.

  • Prep the grill

Chances are the grill hasn’t seen much use during the winter months, so open it up and make sure it’s still working.  If you have a gas grill, make sure there’s enough gas in the tank and the hose isn’t leaking.

Then do a deep clean of the grates, scrubbing off any residue from previous barbecues.  Empty the drip pan and clean any dirt off the top of the grill.  Then set up a grilling station so there’s a place to put trays, plates, tongs, and other accessories.

  • Go to the grocery

Do as much shopping in advance as you can.  You can buy non-perishable ingredients such as canned or boxed foods that will be needed closer to the day of the event.

Beverages like soda, juice, beer, or wine can also be bought early and chilled in the refrigerator weeks prior to your party.

  • Make food ahead of time

Leading up to the big day, make as many dishes in advance as possible.  Try to plan your menu around dishes that keep well and don’t need to be eaten soon after being prepared.

If a dish has multiple components, make several and keep them chilled so the final product can be quickly and easily assembled.

  • Ask for help

Don’t stress yourself out by trying to do everything.  If you have a lot of guests coming, it’s unrealistic for a few people to take care of everything.  Let them know you need some help and have them pitch in.

Make it a potluck style party or delegate tasks so that one person is responsible for each component, from various food dishes to music, decor, and activities.

How do I host an outdoor party?

  • Who are the guests?

When it comes time to start planning your party, the first thing to do is make a list of the people you’d like to invite.  This will determine when you schedule the event because it will have to work with everyone’s schedules.

Also, if they will be bringing their families along, you’ll want to plan some activities for children and teenagers too.  In addition to activities, you’ll also want to put some kid-friendly food and drink on the menu.

  • When will it be?

Set the date and time of the event, making sure to avoid any days when people might be on vacation.  Ideal days are on the weekend, either Friday or Saturday.

Because the event will center around a meal, decide if you want to do lunch or dinner. Outdoor parties can be longer than indoor ones because there is more to do and enjoy outside.

Set the duration for several hours but no more than five so guests don’t feel overwhelmed. You also want to set an end time so everyone can plan accordingly and can comfortably commit to attending.

  • What will we do?

Next, decide on some fun activities to entertain your guests.  You could even theme the party around a holiday or shared event that you want to celebrate.

Pick out some outdoor games or sports that multiple people can play together.  If you don’t have the necessary equipment, see who among the guests could bring it with them.

Make sure to put together a playlist so there is background music and ambiance.  You can also have a more upbeat set of songs for dancing later on.

  • Plan the menu

Start putting together a list of main dishes and then plan sides that go well together.  Most barbecues will center around hot dogs and hamburgers, although you could also grill chicken or seafood.

Don’t forget drinks and dessert either.  Plan a selection of alcoholic beverages for adults and some sweet drinks like juice for the kids.

  • Send out invitations

Once you have all the details, start inviting your friends.  This can be as formal as written invitations sent in the mail or as casual as a group text.  Keep track of RSVPs so you know how many people to expect.

Start assigning tasks or requesting that people bring certain items or dishes.  Then make a list of who will bring what so you know if there are any gaps that need to be filled.

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What do you serve at a backyard party?

The barbecue is the main attraction at most outdoor parties, so start with some proteins that can be grilled during the party.  You can go classic with hot dogs and hamburgers, or get creative and throw on some chicken, kabobs, sausages, or seafood as well.

Side dishes and accompaniments should also be included and there are many picnic foods that go well with barbecue.  Choose a few built around fruit and some with vegetables, add a green salad, and you will have plenty of variety.

Then don’t forget about desserts and drinks.  Beer and wine for the adults is always a great choice with soda, juice, lemonade, and water for kids and those who don’t drink.  Make sure to have lots of ice for hot summer days to keep drinks chilled.

What is the cheapest food for a party?

If you’re feeding a big crowd, you’ll want to get foods that won’t break the bank.  To stretch your dollars, buy in bulk and keep things simple. Some of the most affordable options are included here.

  • Main dishes
    • Meatballs
    • Pizza
    • Grilled cheese
    • Wings
    • Pulled pork
    • Chili
    • Sloppy Joes
  • Sides
    • Chips and dip
    • Pigs in a blanket
    • Macaroni and cheese
    • Potato chips
    • Fruits and vegetables
    • Party mix
    • Popcorn
    • Cheese and crackers
    • Baked potato
    • Cornbread
    • Fruit salad
  • Desserts
    • Cookies
    • Cupcakes
    • Fresh fruit
    • Ice cream
    • S’mores
    • Rice Krispy bars
    • Brownie

How do you entertain guests at a party?

In addition to eating, you’ll want to have other activities to occupy your guests.  This will keep the party fun, lively, and prevent people from feeling like they have to just sit around and talk.

Lawn games and sports are a great way to take advantage of the good weather and keep guests outdoors.  Any ball such as a soccer ball or kickball can be used for a wide variety of games.

A badminton set can easily be set up in the grass and you can play with multiple people.  Or use the ball and have a makeshift game of volleyball.

If you have a pool, then noodles and floats for the kids will have them entertained for hours.  A hose and tarp can be used to make a slip and slide too.

How do I keep my guests warm at an outdoor party?

If you’re hosting during cooler weather or experience an unexpected drop in temperatures, there’s no need to cancel the party.  Instead, get creative with ways to keep your guests warm.

Build a big bonfire to heat everyone up and make room for sitting all around it.  Or rent some heat lamps and set them up on the patio to ward off the chill in the air.

Make sure to offer lots of warm drinks such as coffee, hot chocolate, tea, mulled wine, or cider.  Focus your menu around warmer foods as well instead of cold salads.

Provide plenty of blankets and extra jackets in case anyone gets cold or comes unprepared. You could also have a container full of hats and gloves that anyone can borrow during the party.

How do you have an outdoor party in the rain?

Sometimes the weather just doesn’t want to cooperate and your party might get rained on.  If you have enough advance notice, you can plan around the showers though.

Put up a tent over the backyard so that the main area where everyone will be eating and spending time is sheltered.  If you have a covered patio, just move the festivities under the awning to stay warm.

Buy some cheap ponchos and hand them out to everyone so they can keep their clothes dry. Tables with big sun umbrellas can also be used if they are big enough to keep the rain away or if it’s just sprinkling.

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